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October 1, 2023
During remodeling the left control knob broke. Which part is needed to replace it. I find 202 though diagram shows 201
Thank you
For model number HE18054U
Hello Gary, thank you for your question. According to our research, you may need to replace the cooking area knob, part number PS9495605. It is sold individually. We hope this information is useful!
Can you please tell me the part number for energy regulator number 0202
Thank you,
For model number HEI8054U
Hello Bob, thank you for reaching out. The energy regulator you are looking for is part number PS8729307. If you need help placing an order, customer service is open 7 days a week!
My oven will heat but not fully. It will heat to 330 and then drop. The element seems to be okay. Would this part help that problem?
For model number HES7052U-01
Hi Cindy, Thank you for the question.If the oven is not getting up to the set temperature, I suggest replacing the sensor, PartSelect Number PS8713149. Hope this helps!
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