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June 19, 2019
The seals on both doors are shot. What can i order to replace them, please?
For model number FRS26R4CBE
Hello Deb, thank you for writing. For your model the Freezer Door Gasket is part PS1991329 and the Fresh Food Door Gasket is part PS1991328.
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December 3, 2019
Water keeps dripping onto the shelves below the temperature control device - there is a sheet of styrofoam in the part near the back of the refrigerator - should i remove it?
For model number 253 60509410
Hello Linda and thanks for writing.
Water will leak into the refrigerator when the drain system freezes up. ... will see the evaporator coil and directly under the coil is the drain trough (pan). If the temperature is too cold, just adjust the control to a warmer setting. As for the styrofoam, it is there as insulation, removing it would make the problem bigger. We hope this helps. Please contact us anytime.
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September 25, 2019
Freezer is working but the refrigerator is not. The fan is not blowing in the freezer. Tested the thermostat and I have continuity through it. What could be the problem?
For model number FRT21IL6JB0
Hi Joe,
Thank you for your question. If the refrigerator is too warm, there are some parts that you will need to check to see which one is causing the issue. Here is a link from our website that you may reference on what parts to check, I hope this helps. Thank you and have a great day!
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