FFAD3033R10 Frigidaire Dehumidifier - Overview
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July 15, 2021
What does fo on the dehumidifier mean when illuminated?
For model number FFAD3033R10
Hello Joe, Thank you for the question. F0 is an error code that means your dehumidifier is low on refrigerant, typically caused by a leak in the enclosed refrigerant system. We hope this helps!
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September 16, 2021
My dehumidifier, after being plugged in and turned on, will run for a few minutes and then stops, presenting the code "f0". I heard I can get a replacement unit. Please confirm my options. Thanks.
For model number FFAD3033R10
Hello Eric, Thank you for the question. The F0 Error code indicates the unit is low in refrigerant gas. A F-gas qualified Technician would need to refill the unit. We hope this helps!
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