Crosley Washer Drums and Tubs

Popular Crosley Washer Drums and Tubs

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Crosley Washer HUB
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS2581262
Manufacturer Part Number W10324651
Fixes these symptoms
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Crosley Washer Drum Baffle
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS3408272
Manufacturer Part Number 134952702
Sold individually.
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Crosley Washer Tub Ring
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS11750502
Manufacturer Part Number WPW10215107
The tub ring snaps over the top of the tub and creates a splash shield.
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Crosley Washer Drum Vane
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS1145727
Manufacturer Part Number 134509600
Sold individually.
Installation Instructions
Ken from Rhinelander, WI
Broken washing machine Vane
Totally unable to move old vane using instructions on this site. Wound up breaking old unit in pieces to remove. Installed very easily. However when trying to install enclosed screw (which you are supposed to install through vane into tub) it did not line up even close to hole drilled into tub. I had wondered why the original vane didn't have a screw in it, now I know. Read more...
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Crosley Washer Balance Ring - Top of Inner Tub - White
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS11742110
Manufacturer Part Number WP3956205
Installation Instructions
Al from Spring, TX
Ring Balancer had come loose and broke releasing the liquid inside that helps balance the basket.
First I removed the screws on top and at the bottom that holds the controls in place to the washer itself. I then removed the control panel and disconnected it off of the washer. I then released the two metal holders that keep the back of the washer in place with the front frame of the washer. I slid the metal exterior forward and away from the rest of the washer exposing the basket. I removed the top layer that holds the ring balancer in place and then was able to reach the ring balancer itself. I removed the old one and discarded it replacing it with the new ring balancer. I pressed it down onto the top of the basket as if you were putting a top back on to a tuppaware dish. I then put the top layer back on and then proceeded to put the exterior of the washer sliding it back in to place. The whole process took maybe about 45-55 minutes and it went relatively smooth especially after knowing how to remove each piece from observing a maintenance job one day. Read more...
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Crosley Washer Drum Vane
PartSelect Number PS417359
Manufacturer Part Number 131274600
Also known as a Drum Baffle. Sold individually.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Eugene from Westbrook, ME
broken drum vane needed replacing
Front-loading Frigidaire washer made by Electrolux:
I removed the one phillips screw that secures the drum, but found the vane did not slide toward the front as I'd read it should. Nor was I able to squeeze the base to release it. I ended up using a rubber mallet and screwdriver to spring the snaps at the bottom of the vane. Once I had two of these on the same side out, I was able to slide the vane forward and remove it. Turns out there was a metal tab, part of the drum, bent into the vane so it couldn't slide for removal. I bent this tab down even with the drum surface, and the new vane slid in easily.
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Crosley Washer TRUNNION
PartSelect Number PS418105
Manufacturer Part Number 131545101
This part helps with the spinning and agitating cycles.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Rick from Walkerton, IN
The primary problem was that the tub seal assembly was leaking.
1. I began by removing the two screws that hold the front panel in place. I then lifted the top free of the front panel and tilted it back to get it out of the way.

2. Using my fingers, I released the tabs that connect the tub cover to the tub. It took some effort to remove the cap("Mechanism") over the bolt connecting the agitator to the agitator drive block because I didn't want to break the tab. Once removed, I removed the bolt and the agitator. I then removed the two bolts that clamp the Trunnion to the agitator shaft.

3. It took a little more effort to remove the tub because of corrosion, however, by rocking the tub back and forth I was able to work it free and remove it. I then removed the bolts connecting the Trunnion to the tub. It took a hammer to remove the Trunnion from the tub, once again because of corrosion.

4. After removing the tub, the seal assembly was next and it was easy to remove. I cleaned the agitator shaft with steel wool before beginning the reassembly to remove the corrosion. Before installing the new seal, I lubricated the agitator shaft and the inside of the seal with a silicone grease that is normally used for water faucets. The seal installed easily although care was required to insure that the seal did not twist out of place when sliding it down the agitator shaft.

5. The rest of the reassembly went easily. Since my old filter on the bottom of the tub was clogged, I replaced it with a new one. It took a little time to get every tab on the filter aligned properly so that it could be rotated into place, but it went easily. Everything else reassembled with no problems.

6. It took considerable time to figure out how to replace the drive belt idler arm assembly because I could not figure out how to remove the pin that the idler arm pivots on. I finally reviewed the parts list on-line again and determined that there is a small C-clip that holds it together. Once I knew that. I was able to see the clip and remove it. From that point on, it was very easy to remove the old assembly and reinstall the new one. If I had to do it over again, I would have changed the sleeve at the same time that I changed the idler assembly because the assembly still wobbles on the pin more than I would like. However, it works fine so I won't worry about it until other repairs are needed.

The parts that I ordered from Parts Select were exact matches for the parts that I removed. They were in stock and were shipped the next business day. I would rate the repair as very easy.
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Crosley Washer Ring, Balance
2 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS11741965
Manufacturer Part Number WP387240
Installation Instructions
James from Asheville, NC
Washing machine shakes violently during spin cycle
Removed four screws that hold the top control panel to the base and hung over the back panel in order to remove the main wrap-around body of the machine. Took off top plastic ring fastened to side of tub then removed old Balance ring. Installed new balance ring. Unfortunately, this did NOT fix the problem. This was a suggestion from and failed miserably. Does anybody know how to fix this problem? And it's not the springs or the little plastic shims around the base OR the cross coupling to the motor... Read more...
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Crosley Washer Tub Ring
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS11750503
Manufacturer Part Number WPW10215108
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Crosley Washer Tub Ring
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS11750505
Manufacturer Part Number WPW10215146
The tub ring snaps over the top of the tub and creates a splash shield.

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