Craftsman Lawn Mower Blades

Popular Craftsman Lawn Mower Blades

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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade Mower Hi Lift
1 Review
PartSelect Number PS9017804
Manufacturer Part Number 532405380
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade Mower
2 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS9286056
Manufacturer Part Number 532138971
This replacement blade is supplied directly from the original equipment manufacturer for use with Craftsman riding lawn mowers and garden tractors. It is secured under the deck to cut the grass, over time the blade may become dull or damaged causing irregular cutting patterns. Inspect your blades periodically and replace them as needed to maintain a clean cut lawn. It is a high-quality component which is made of durable steel and it is sold individually.
Installation Instructions
Trace from LISLE, IL
Needed to replace the bent blades on my riding mower.
- Made the mower safe to work on the blades (remove spark plug wires, etc.)

- Raised the mower to get access to the blades, wedged a wood block against the blade.

- Used impact driver with socket to remove bolt holding blade.

- Removed blade, replaced with new, replaced bolt and tightened with impact driver, ..... and you know the rest.
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Mulching Blade
PartSelect Number PS9169783
Manufacturer Part Number 942-0741A
This is an authentic replacement part manufactured for use with Craftsman walk-behind lawnmowers. The blade is angled to allow the clippings to rotate through the cutting deck to produce fine clippings for side discharge and mulching. Lawnmower blades wear out over time and can cause the grass blades to tear making frayed endings that can diminish the look of the lawn. A new mower blade will allow for a cleaner cut keeping the lawn looking good. This blade is sold as an individual replacement part. 21&#34
Fixes these symptoms
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade High Lift
PartSelect Number PS9015048
Manufacturer Part Number 532180054
This is an OEM replacement part, sold individually. The High Lift Blade is also referred to as a 2 in 1 blade. It throws the clippings better, and is used when you are just discharging or bagging the grass clippings. If you want to Mulch your clippings you would want to purchase a Mulching Blade. This part is compatible with the mowers and tractors listed below. A wrench is needed for replacement.
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade, 22"
PartSelect Number PS9017810
Manufacturer Part Number 532406713
This blade is sourced directly from the manufacturer for use in Craftsman and Husqvarna lawn mowers. The blade is the part of the mower that is responsible for cutting and mulching the grass. It is 22" long, made of black metal, is not part of a kit or assembly, and is sold individually. If you hit a hard object, you may bend the blade, causing a vibration. You may also have problems with the grass being cut as the blade dulls over time. If the blade is bent, damaged, or worn, it needs to be replaced. You will need a socket set to complete this repair. Customers rate this repair as Easy.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Charles from Memphis, TN
I had to buy Troy-Bilt parts to adjust for a Murray Lawn Mower
Grind off 1/4" of each end of the 22" blade to fit 21' Mower.
Make Bend adjustments for the Handle to fit.
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade
PartSelect Number PS9022471
Manufacturer Part Number 532406712
Installation Instructions
I did not have a special wench
I mowed until gas was empty. No bottom plug had to turn mower on side and drained oil. I had buy special lubricants to remove blade bolt. That was a challenge. I called a friend to help place new blade on. Put in new filter, oil, and gas. Mower works great! Read more...
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Mulching Blade
PartSelect Number PS9167946
Manufacturer Part Number 942-0616A
Dimension: 21.23-Inch This is a Genuine Manufacturer Approved Blade used on Riding Mower/Lawn Tractor. This Blade is sold Individually. It is a 3-in-1 blade for mulch, bag and side discharge purposes. This part is designed to circulate the grass longer so it can be cut into smaller pieces. This makes your grass clippings better as mulch since the smaller clippings will decompose more quickly, releasing their nutrients into the soil.
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade
PartSelect Number PS9973539
Manufacturer Part Number 532406707
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade
PartSelect Number PS11993706
Manufacturer Part Number 942-04154A
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Craftsman Lawn Mower Blade
PartSelect Number PS9285998
Manufacturer Part Number 532134148

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