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September 19, 2019
Part a111 is two plastic parts ach with 2 screws and i want to know what is the use and can they be taken out?
For model number 41392
Hello John, Thank you for the question. The A111 are the brackets to mount the Control Panel to the Cabinet of the appliance. They can be removed but are required to hold the panel in place. Hope this helps!
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September 19, 2019
Thanks for reply on part a111. Confused. Is the control panel inside casing and plastic part holds it in place? You mention that the 2 plastic parts can be removed but say are required to hold control panel. If required how can it be removed. Unless it is to hold a separate control panel?
For model number 41392
Hello John, Thank you for the question. The control panel is the front panel you see where the controls and buttons are. The parts can be removed if you need to replace them, but are required in order to keep the panel attached. Hope this helps!
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