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September 19, 2019
I'm looking for the controller/circuit board for this Amana stand up freezer. There's 3 company tags on the part and 3 part numbers none of which show up in the search results. When i search by name as in controller or circuit board no results are found. The diagram (i think it's diagram 4) show a fuzzy picture of what looks like the part. The problem i have is that part is labeled "cover". My question is that i need to know if that is this entire part circuit board included or is it $18 something for just the little plastic cover. I believe it's diagram 4 part #4
For model number AZF33X16DW00
Hello Gabe, thank you for your question. The cover is not the electronic board. The board for this unit is Part #: PS12728628. Please enter the part number into the site for current price and availability. Good luck with your repair!
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