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February 25, 2020
Kenmore upright freezer. Runs for about 10 seconds and then shuts off. Someone said maybe a relay? Do you sell them?
For model number 2539284111
Hello Ray, thank you for writing. Yes, it could be that part. We advise testing it. Here is how. Find the "s" and "m" plug-type terminals and the "L" slip-on terminal. Position the relay on the floor, counter or table so the "s" and "m" terminal are facing down. Insert the multi-tester with one probe on each of the "s" and "m" terminals. Set the tester to zero ohms. Turn over the relay and after a clicking sound, the reading should change to "infinity" if the relay is functioning. Turn the unit over again and place one probe from the "s" terminal to the "L" terminal. The tester should read "zero" again and when the relay is turned over, there should be no change in the reading if the unit is working properly. If it isn't, you'll need to replace it.
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