How to Clean and Repair Grout

How to Clean and Repair Grout

Homemade Grout Cleaning Solution and Repair Steps
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If you have dirty and grimy grout, we’ve put together an easy and inexpensive way to get it clean or repair it all together so that it looks brand-new again. To keep your grout looking new and fresh you should be doing a regular cleaning at least once a week. In high humidity areas it is important to control the dampness, especially in bathrooms, using either a bathroom fan or dehumidifier. We also suggest using a grout sealant to help protect your grout and keep it lasting longer, especially after repairing or doing a thorough clean. Follow along to our video below or try our easy-to-follow 8-step process outlined in this article.

How to Clean and Repair Grout

How to Clean Tile Grout

To clean grout you can either purchase a commercially made product designed specifically for the type of grout you have or try a homemade solution using products found around the house. For more mild staining or for regular upkeep, we suggest using a simple one-part water and one-part vinegar solution. For more stubborn stains, our tried-and-true solution includes baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap.

DIY Grout Cleaner

  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide
  • 1 tsp of dish soap

Mix this solution well, apply it to the grout, let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, and then clean it gently with a bristle brush. There are brushes made specifically for cleaning grout, or you could simply use a toothbrush. Once you are done cleaning, rinse it with water and then wipe dry with a sponge.

How to Repair Grout

If your grout is extremely dirty or is damaged, you will need to repair it. Grout repair is an easy process and a budget-friendly way to give your floor a fresh new look.

Materials Needed for Grout Repair

  • Protective gloves
  • Protective eye wear
  • Grout cleaner
  • Grout saw
  • Sponge
  • Grout float
  • Clean towel

Grout Repair Materials - How to Clean and Repair Grout

Step One: Clean the Grout

Give the grout a good cleaning using the solution and steps provided above to ensure the proper color match. This is especially important if you don’t have any grout leftover that was originally used on the floor.

Step Two: Remove the Old Grout

Next, you will need to remove the old grout using a grout rake or saw. Be careful when using the grout rake, as you don’t want to damage the edge of the tile. Use the appropriate size rake or saw for the size of grout. Once you’ve removed all of the grout using the rake, use your vacuum to remove all the loose dust.

Grout Removal - How to Clean and Repair Grout

Step Three: Clean the Area

Use your damp sponge to thoroughly clean the area, removing any left-over grout residue. Be sure to follow the instructions specific to the type of grout you are using. With most cement-based grouts you will want to dampen the area before applying the new grout. For an epoxy-based grout, the area needs to be dry, so make sure it dries completely before applying the new grout.

Step Four: Mix the Grout

If you have a large amount of grout to apply and need more than one package, be sure to dry mix those thoroughly before adding any water, ensuring the proper color match. Mix the grout according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Mixing Grout - How to Clean and Repair Grout

Step Five: Apply the Grout

Apply the appropriate amount of grout along the grout line, depending on the size of the area, working in small sections at a time. Take your grout float and work the grout into the crevasse until it is filled completely. Once it is filled in, take a rounded stick or your fingertip and run it down the grout line to smooth it out.

Grout Application - How to Clean and Repair Grout

Step Six: Wipe Excess Grout from the Tile

Using a lightly dampened sponge, wipe away any remaining grout from the tile. Be careful not to use an overly wet sponge, as this will damage the grout. Allow the grout to dry for about 30 minutes. You may notice a little bit of a haze left on the tile, which can just be wiped away with a damp sponge.

Step Seven: Allow the Grout to Set

Now allow the grout to set, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step Eight: Apply Grout Sealer

Grout sealer is a very important step and helps to minimize the rate that moisture will penetrate the grout, making it so it doesn’t get as wet, and is able to dry more quickly. It also provides a barrier against microbes like mold.

Fully cover the grout in sealer and wipe up excess. Allow it to dry for 60 to 90 minutes before applying a second coat, and then allow it to fully dry for about 24 hours before it encounters any kind of moisture.

Grout Sealer Application - How to Clean and Repair Grout

This is such an easy, efficient, and budget-friendly way to refresh old, damaged, or extremely dirty grout, giving your space a brand-new feel! For more tips and trick for around your home, check out our YouTube Channel.

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PUBLISHED ON August 09, 2021
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