RCA Refrigerator Seals and Gaskets
Popular RCA Refrigerator Seals and Gaskets
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RCA Refrigerator Fresh Food Door Gasket - White
PartSelect Number PS2359946
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X10231
This fresh food door gasket is used to seal the refrigerator door when closed to keep the cool air inside and the room air out.
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
- Door won’t open or close
- Fridge too warm
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Installation Instructions
Jerry from Whitewright, TX
Door gasket was torn at bottom from food residue
When I did the repair,fortunate for me, a nice repairman was fixing my dishwasher. He said to put the new gasket in the dryer, while I removed the old one, to make it pliable and aid in sealing. I pulled the old gasket out of the retainer clip, cleaned around the area and snapped the new gasket into place(push the raised part into the groove). The repairman said that food residue, especially at the bottom, caused a sticky glue-like film to form. He also advised to put smear vaseline on the new gasket and wipe it off to leave a film. This would aid in sealing and keeping new the gasket from sticking.
RCA Refrigerator Fresh Food Door Gasket
PartSelect Number PS2364916
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X10229
This white fresh food door gasket is used to seal the refrigerator door when closed to keep the cool air inside and the room air out.
Fixes these symptoms
- Fridge too warm
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Installation Instructions
Charles from Baltimore, MD
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RCA Refrigerator Freezer Door Gasket
PartSelect Number PS2364915
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X10228
This white door gasket is used to seal the freezer door when closed.
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
- Door won’t open or close
- Freezer section too warm
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Installation Instructions
Thomas from key west, FL
Freezer door gasket was torn and loose.
Unplugged refrigerator.Checked that new gasket was the right size for freezer.Opened freezer door and lifted inside edge to access screw's. Loosened top screw's and screw's half way down each side and pulled gasket out. Installed new gasket into slot where old gasket was and tightened screw's across top and the first couple down side's.Lifted edge of old gasket and loosened screw's holding remainder of old gasket in place and finished removing old gasket.Finished putting new gasket in slot and tightened remaining screw's. The reason for only doing gasket half at a time is to keep the door square and not getting out of shape. If new gasket is warped when removed from shiping box run under hot water or soak in hot water until more flexible.
RCA Refrigerator Fresh Food Door Gasket
Second, I cleansed the rust (no idea how that get there, maybe it's a cheap fridge)
Third, I took some boiling water from the water boiler and dip the new gasket in it to "smooth" out the gasket and make it more "pliable" (really, it didn't seem like much happened, nonetheless, I did it to make sure I don't have to struggle if it comes to that)
Forth, I slap the new gasket in the top corner (inner edge closes to the fridge) and work across then down. But somehow after everything is accomplished, the gasket at the bottom appears bulged so I re-did it from the bottom up. and double checked on the firmness by checking with a flash light w/ the fridge closed (I made sure I did this near night time lol)
Lastly, I did love to thank PartSelect for shipping it out so quick. I ordered on Sunday, they shipped it on Monday and I received it on Tuesday morning at work. Incredible speedy service that even RadioShack overnight service took 3 "overnights" to recieve. Read more...
PartSelect Number PS296973
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X450
This fresh food door gasket is used to seal the refrigerator door when closed to keep the cool air inside and the room air out.
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
- Fridge runs too long
- Fridge too warm
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Installation Instructions
Kah Po from San Francisco, CA
it appears some one damaged the gasket in the front
First, I removed the old gasket by ripping it out of front, Second, I cleansed the rust (no idea how that get there, maybe it's a cheap fridge)
Third, I took some boiling water from the water boiler and dip the new gasket in it to "smooth" out the gasket and make it more "pliable" (really, it didn't seem like much happened, nonetheless, I did it to make sure I don't have to struggle if it comes to that)
Forth, I slap the new gasket in the top corner (inner edge closes to the fridge) and work across then down. But somehow after everything is accomplished, the gasket at the bottom appears bulged so I re-did it from the bottom up. and double checked on the firmness by checking with a flash light w/ the fridge closed (I made sure I did this near night time lol)
Lastly, I did love to thank PartSelect for shipping it out so quick. I ordered on Sunday, they shipped it on Monday and I received it on Tuesday morning at work. Incredible speedy service that even RadioShack overnight service took 3 "overnights" to recieve. Read more...
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RCA Refrigerator Fresh Food Door Gasket
PartSelect Number PS296969
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X446
This white fresh food door gasket used to seal the refrigerator door when closed.
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
- Fridge runs too long
- Fridge too warm
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Installation Instructions
Michael from Bradenton, FL
ice maker not working properly and door seal worn
Two screws held the icemaker on. You do not even have to take them all the way out to remove the IM. Replacement of the water valve was just as easy except they (parts manufacturer) updated the flange nut with a compression fitting and it took me a minute looking at it before I realize what was going on. The door seal could not be easier, no tools just a few minutes of time
RCA Refrigerator Freezer Door Gasket
PartSelect Number PS296962
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X438
This white door gasket is used to seal the freezer door when closed.
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
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RCA Refrigerator Fresh Food Door Gasket
PartSelect Number PS296961
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X437
This white refrigerator door gasket is used to seal the fridge door when closed.
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
- Fridge too warm
- Leaking
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Installation Instructions
Anita from Shawnee, OK
ineffective frige door gasket due to stretching
I pulled off the old gasket and pressed in the new one. That's it!
RCA Refrigerator Freezer Door Gasket
PartSelect Number PS296972
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X449
This white door gasket is used to seal the freezer door when closed.
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
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Installation Instructions
Susan from Ocean View, NJ
Both the freezer and refridgerator seals were leaking
We took the old seals off, T\they really just peal off, and replaced with the new ones.We were not really sure how they went on, because there really was no instructions with the seals, but we figured it out. After we really figured it out and got started, it was pretty easy. The only instructions that come with it is how to prep the seals before they go on.
RCA Refrigerator Freezer Door Gasket
The freezer door gasket went much better. It had been folded for shipping and had to be heated per the instruction to ensure a seal. That was easier than I expected it to be.
The seal seems fine now. No moisture. I wish I had done this sooner! Read more...
PartSelect Number PS296968
Manufacturer Part Number WR24X445
Fixes these symptoms
- Door Sweating
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Installation Instructions
Michelle from Muskegon, MI
Gaskets didn't seal well, were moldy
Would have been an easy job but the bottom channel of the refrigerator door that the gasket snaps into was rusty and had to be cleaned out with a screw driver. Took some working with it to figure out why it wasn't snapping in hence the long time to fix it.The freezer door gasket went much better. It had been folded for shipping and had to be heated per the instruction to ensure a seal. That was easier than I expected it to be.
The seal seems fine now. No moisture. I wish I had done this sooner! Read more...
RCA Refrigerator Front Crisper Seal
PartSelect Number PS291047
Manufacturer Part Number WR14X406
This seal is located on the front of the crisper shelf.