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April 25, 2024
The Washer is stopping with 18 to 19 minutes to go in the cycle at the rinse and spin stage will a new main PC board fix this ?
Thank you
For model number WF45H6300AG
Hello Randy, thank you for contacting us. Based on our understanding of the issue, we would suggest checking the control board, part number PS9605966, to solve the problem. It processes the cycle settings you choose. Glad to be of help!
Washer cycles to a certain point then stops and starts flashing 5E has new drain hose and control board still doing this what could possibly be the
For model number WF45H6300AG
Hi Randy, thank you for contacting us. Based on our research, the error code you mentioned indicates that there may be a drainage issue. As you have already replaced the drain hose and control board, we would recommend replacing the drain pump, part number PS12742622, to solve the problem. We hope that helps!
Hello Kevin, thank you for your question. Yes, that part could make the appliance cut off and on. I would also check the door latch and switches to make sure they are functioning properly. If the door switches are faulty it could cause the appliance to cut off and on as well. I hope this helps!
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December 10, 2019
Does this fit my washer? I replace hall sensor and stator already so this will be the next step for code 3e2 right?
For model number Wf45h6300ag
Hello Luis and thanks for writing.
Yes, Part Number: PS9605961is in the list of compatible items for your model. Hope this helps. Please contact us anytime.
The 3E error code represents a motor or hall sensor fault. HOW TO REPAIR/CLEAR ERROR?: Reset the washer by unplugging it for 30 seconds. If the reset does not work, and the error code returns, check motor and hall sensor or the washer needs service. Yes, PCB board is next.
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