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July 1, 2021
My understanding is that this blower fan needs to be replaced when the error code e9:43 occurs. Is this correct or is there a possibility of a different cause for this error?
For model number PRG364GDH/18
Hello Keith, Thank you for the question. The Error code e9:43 indicates the Cooling Fan will need to be replaced, PartSelect Number PS8732812. We hope this helps!
Right oven (large oven) getting error code 43. On the panel for right oven blinks 4 times on left light and 3 blinks on right light. Secondary oven seems to be function normal. Main oven turned to 200 degrees does not start blinking. According to Thermador website blower only turns on once oven hits 350 degrees. Could it be the fuse by chance? I deliver this particular fur can be reset. Or is it most likely a burned out motor? I’m placing an overnight order for 3 motors. Would you recommend changing all three? I’m addition I’m have to replace the switch-door as well. Please call me if that is possible. Great timing as 15 guest are coming into town for T-Day. Thank you for your urgency in advance!!!
For model number PRD486GDHU/19
Hello Heath, Thank you for the question. If a fuse blew it would cut power off to the appliance. The 43 Error Code indicates an issue with the cooling fan. We suggest replacing the Cooling fan first and if this does not fix the issue, try testing the Oven Sensor. Testing the temperature sensor probe on your oven is easy. With the sensor at room temperature, measure the resistance between the two prongs at the end of the sensor connector. The resistance of the sensor should read approximately 1080 – 1090 ohms at room temperature. We hope this helps!
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