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May 20, 2019
The tub will only half fill with water on the rinse spin. Then dumps and does not spin......clothes are quite wet but not soaking
For model number wtw4800bqo
Hello Arlene, thank you for inquiring. For this symptom you will want to replace either the Agitator Directional Cogs part PS388034, the Shift Actuator part PS11747977, or the Lid Latch Assembly part PS3497627. We hope this helps.
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July 3, 2019
After starting the washer it goes through the sensing cycle and begins to fill with water, it may get half full of water then start draining, all the lights go off then it makes a roaring sound like it is still draining. This will continue until it is manually stopped. Resetting the control knobs sometimes will get it to work, sometimes it will not, our water bill has doubled due to this problem
For model number WTW4816FW0
Hello Alvin, thank you for inquiring. For this symptom you will want to consider either the Water Inlet Valve part PS12349267 or the Water Pump part PS11757016. We hope this helps.
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