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January 22, 2019
The "ice type" and "water" lights (blue) on the outer freezer door dispenser do not light. Which part(s) do i need? The tone still sounds when the button is pushed but the lights do not come on to indicate which type of ice you'll be getting and if you have it set on water to be dispensed. Is there a video that shows how to remove the cover to the dispenser to gain access to these lights? Thanks very much!
For model number RS261MDWP/XAA
Hello Vince, thank you for your question. The dispenser Dispenser Front Panel and Control Board is PartSelect part number PS5575324. This would include the touch pad and board behind it and lights. To access this part unplug the Refrigerator Power Cord. Insert a flat head screw driver on the slot under the panel, and unlock the tabs. Disconnect the wire connector. I hope this helps!
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