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April 7, 2022
HE error. I ohm tested the heating element Okay. Is there a heating sensor or thermistor and a heating relay that can be purchased. Thanks
For model number LDF7551ST
Hi Tom,
Thank you for your question. The HE error code usually means that there is an issue with the heater circuit. There is no sensor or thermistor listed for your washer. If you have tested the heating element and it tested okay, try adjusting the temperature of the water coming into the dishwasher to see if this resolves the issue. If not, try resetting the dishwasher but cutting power to it for 10 seconds and plugging it back in. Then start a new cycle to see if the code will appear again. If it does, check for any loose or damaged wiring. Also check the electronic control board. It may have a burnt relay. If you have any questions, please let us know. We are open 7 days a week. We look forward to hearing from you!
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May 5, 2024
Gives HE error. Doesn’t dry the dishes. Replaced the element. Not fixed. Is the temp sensor the next recommended replacement?
For model number LDS5540ST
Hello Pamela, thank you for reaching out. According to our research, the error code HE means a heater error. This error occurs when the unit is unable to heat the water or the water was overheated above 149 degree Fahrenheit. As you have already replaced the heating element and still facing the issue, we would recommend replacing the main control board, part number PS7792746, to solve the problem. Your model does not have any temperature sensor. We hope this helps!
I have an LG dishwasher, model number LDS5040ST. I was getting a heating element error, so I replaced the heating element, but now my dishwasher is skipping a cycle or, on the quick cycle, it gets stuck at 15 minutes. It also still throws a heating element error at the end of the skipped-cycle wash. Would the thermostat or heat sensor be the next step, or would I move on to the control board? Thanks.
For model number LDS5040ST
Hello Brent, Thank you for contacting us. Checking your model, the heating element actually includes the temperature sensor. PS3529176 is a water flow sensor, and PS7785590 is a turbidity sensor. It is possible there is a wiring issue or a control board issue, so check for any visible damage or loose connections. Also check the flow of water going into the dishwasher to see if you can increase the temperature through the water supply. We hope this helps.
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