This hi-limit thermostat acts as a safety mechanism that keeps the dryer from overheating. With this thermostat, a dryer's heating element will cut out if the internal temperature reaches 260 degrees Fahrenheit. The element will kick back in when the temperature drops to 190 degrees Fahrenheit - the differential of 70 degrees.
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October 30, 2019
How can i test this component to see if it is bad?
For model number DSXH43EA0WW
Hello Cindy, thank you for your question. Set your multimeter to the R X 1 setting. Take each of your meter's probes and touch one to each terminal. You are testing for continuity, and you should receive a reading of either zero or infinity. At room temperature, testing the thermostat should produce a reading of zero. But if a thermostat is tested when it is heated to its limit, a reading of infinity should be produced. We strongly recommend that you test your thermostat at room temperature. If the test you conduct with your thermostat does not produce these results, then you should replace the component. I hope this helps. Thank you and have a great day!
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May 17, 2023
My dryer is working fine but after a couple of cycles it wouldn't run it has to cool down completely to kick off. What part do I need to replace. Is it the thermostat control. A good example of the symptoms happened yesterday, I did three cycles but after it completed the 3rd cycle the clothes were still not fully dry. When I restarted it won't turn on. This morning it started again after it cooled off and worked fine for 1 st cycle.
For model number DSXH43EF0WW
Hi David, thank you for the question. Based on the description that you have provided, we would recommend checking the high-limit safety thermostat, part number PS268202, as it is most likely faulty and may need to be replaced. We hope this solves your problem!
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