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April 4, 2018
Dryer dries for a few minutes and gets hot then shuts off we cleaned the vent tube and did not change.Where do i start?
For model number dvlr223ggoww
Hello Mark, thank you for your question. I would star by replacing the Cycling Thermostat - 4 Wire
Part Number: WE4M181 and High Limit Thermostat - L290-40F Part Number: WE4M80 as these are the most common issues when the dryer heats, then shuts off too soon. You are able to test the thermostat before ordering so that you know they have failed and which one(s) need to be replaced. Dryer thermostats are usually oval shaped and about an inch and a half in length. Also, there should be two wires leading to each thermostat. Label these wires before you remove them so that you are able to correctly reconnect them later. The wires leading to the thermostat are connected using metal slip on connectors. Remove the wires by pulling on the connectors, and not the wires themselves. It may be a good idea to use a pair of needle nosed pliers to help you. Set your multimeter to the R X 1 setting. Take each of your meter's probes and touch one to each terminal. You are testing for continuity, and you should receive a reading of either zero or infinity. At room temperature, testing the thermostat should produce a reading of zero. But if a thermostat is tested when it is heated to its limit, a reading of infinity should be produced. We strongly recommend that you test your thermostat at room temperature. If the test you conduct with your thermostat does not produce these results, then you should replace the component. I hope this helps!
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February 22, 2020
Replaced ignitor and 2 solenoids, also hi-limit switch . Dryer still runs but does not heat up.
For model number HTDX100GMOWW
Hello and thank you for writing.
It certainly sounds like it could be a faulty heat detector PS268031 you should check the part(s) for signs of damage or test with a multimeter, and replace the part(s) as needed. We hope this helps. Please contact us anytime if you require further assistance.
The dryer never shuts off. Is it based on a timer or moisture sensor?
For model number djsr473et3ww
Hi Kevin, thank you for the question. Based on our research, the moisture sensor monitors the clothing’s moisture level and sends a signal when the clothes are dry. If the moisture sensor is malfunctioning, it could inaccurately report that the clothing is still moist, causing the dryer to keep running even though the clothes are dry. To solve this issue, you may need to check the moisture sensor. The moisture sensors for your model do not come separately, but come as a part of the lint chute assembly, part number PS11763093. We hope this is helpful!
Checked out cycling thermostat seems to have continuity what would be the next step on a gas dryer heating up for a minute or two then shutting down hot, will not restart for a few minutes
For model number dvlr223ggoww
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your question. If the dryer is shutting off too soon and you have already checked the cycling thermostat, there are some parts that you will need to check to see which ones are causing the issue. You will need to check the high limit thermostat, the interlock switch, the duct felt seal, the door latch and strike, the belt and the drum slides. I hope this helps. Thank you and have a great day!
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