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Steve Culver
December 18, 2018
There is clicking sound and cannot use but one burner at a time. Large burner will go off and on.
For model number Pp975wm1ww
Hello Steve, thank you for your question. It sounds like the burner switch control board or Daughter Relay Board Part Number: PS1481205. We would recommend inspecting this part for any burns or breaks in an capacitors. Unfortunately, the board can be bad without showing an visible signs. If that board is not the issue, the only other part that could be bad is the power board Part Number: PS1481066, but if that board goes bad the unit usually has no power at all. I hope this helps.
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August 27, 2019
Front right side dual burner stay on high heat and will not adjust to lower heat.
Hello Anthony, thank you for writing. This could be due to a faulty Burner Switch or Dual Burner Element, but we will need the model number for your stove to locate the correct replacements for it. We look forward to hearing back from you!
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June 15, 2024
There is clicking sound and cannot use but one burner at a time and now it doesn’t have any power
For model number PP975SM2SS
Hi Tea, thank you for contacting us. Based on the description that you have provided, we would recommend replacing the relay board, part number PS1481205, to fix the issue. We hope this solves your problem!
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