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November 5, 2018
My issue is that the igniter is not working. There were some bad connections that were replaced and the battery boxes are in need of replacement. I have tried to get power to the unit and tried all switches to start the igniter, but nothing works. Other than the battery boxes, what else controls the igniters? Does this transformer need to be replaced? Please help.
For model number KBNU487VSS00
Hi John, thank you for your question. There are a few things that you will have to check. Check the battery in your grill igniter if it uses one. If it does or changing it does not help, turn on your propane and see if you can use a match or a lighter to light the burner. If you can, then there is definitely a problem within the ignition system. First you will want to check all of your electrodes for sparking. Underneath your grates beside the burner tubes, check to see if there is any grease or food debris stuck on the electrode that is preventing it from sparking. Next, check to make sure the wiring between the electrode and the spark module (or transformer in your case) is properly connected. If everything is properly wired, and your electrodes are intact, then you may need to replace this part. I hope that helps. Good luck with your repair.
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