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November 22, 2019
2nd attempt for understanding issue cause/solution.Most used burner’s knob control does not seem to be ‘synched’ so that gas flows when ignitor sparks. all burners’ igniters spark at same time and all gas flows for ignition except the most used burner. can be lit by hand. what part is controlled by turning of knob?
For model number JGC8430BDS
Hello Michael, thank you for inquiring. The most immediate part interacting with the Knobs when you turn them are the Switches, part number PS11744199 for the two Knobs on the left side, and part number PS11744201 for the two switches on the right side. They are sold individually. The Switches are attached to the Manifold Pipe, part number PS11744589. I hope this helps!
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November 22, 2019
Most used burner will not ignite - all receive spark but seems this burner’s control knob no longer aligned or synched to allow gas flow during spark sending.
For model number JGC8430BDS
Hi Mike, thank you for your question. There are a couple of parts to check in this case. First you should check your burner electrode. Then you should take a look at your igniter switches/harness. If those parts are fine then you may have to look into your spark module being the issue. I hope that helps. Good luck with your repair.
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