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November 19, 2019
My oven shows a code of PF. It only comes on at 300 degrees and when the door is open. When the door to the oven is closed, the oven shuts off. Is it an electrical problem or will part number 15, a screw, fix it.
For model number RF362BXGQ1
Hi Valerie,
Thank you for your question. The PF error code should only display if there is a power failure or when the refrigerator is plugged in for the first time. If this is happening when the oven temperature is 300 degrees or when the oven door is open, then there may be an issue with either the electronic control board or the wires connected to it. You will need to inspect the electronic control board for wear, damage, or cracking. You should also inspect it for any signs of burning or shorted terminals.
If your control board shows any of these symptoms, you will need to replace the electronic control board. If the board is fine, check the wires for any loose connections and for signs of corrosion. If there is any damage to the wires, replace them. I hope this helps. Thank you and have a great day!