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May 3, 2018
Part 80?. when micro stops at first you hear what sounds like a fan blade clicking. after a little use the clicking sound as if a fan is hitting something is continuous. Let the micro sit overnight and only does it at end of a cycle. after a while of use off and on it did it continuously.
For model number jvm1790sk
Hi Eugene,
Thank you for your question. If you are hearing a clicking sound and you think it is the fan blade, you will need to check it out to see if it is attached correctly and that it is not damaged. I hope this helps. Thank you and have a great day!
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May 4, 2018
When micro wave times out and stops running it makes a rattling sound at the very end. At times it has rattled the entire time microwave was running. I checked fan blade in inner top of microwave and it doesn't appear to be bent or damaged.
For model number JVM1790SK01
Hi Eugene, Thank you for the question. I suggest checking the circulation fans for a lose or damaged fan blade. There is a fan behind the heater element and one behind the control panel. Hope this helps!
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November 25, 2017
Can the microwave be used without the canopy mica and little fan that it holds until the replacement one arrives?
Hi Frank, Thank you for the question. For proper function and use I would not suggest using the appliance until the new parts are installed. Good luck with the repair!
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