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January 16, 2019
Ps10064559 ....would the failure of this part cause a noise squealing or screeching during the wash cycle or agitation?
For model number Mvwb765fw0
Hello Jon, thank you for your question. Yes, that part can cause a loud screeching during the agitation cycle. We would also recommend checking the clutch, gearcase and agitator. I hope this helps!
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June 30, 2024
What is proper ohm reading for this model stator coil?
For model number WTW8500DC0
Hello Charles, thanks for the great question. Our research indicates that the readings should be from 10 to 12 Ohms on all of the stator connections. Hope this helps, good luck with this repair.
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November 1, 2024
What involve installing this gear box?
For model number WTW7300DW0
Hello Ralph, thank you for asking. The Gear Case is PS12741641.The Stator is PS10064559. We have on our site a posting from a previous customer under the heading : Customer Repair Stories where they posted their repair instructions. We hope this helps.