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February 18, 2018
Hello again. I asked a question earlier under motors, and your response was that i probably need a new motor, and i could verify this with a multimeter. The motor passed the multimeter test (no reading). The problem is that the machine does not wash - there's no water coming out of any of the spray arms during the wash cycle, most of the time. The problem started when i cleaned the filters, and then the arms for the first time. I poked a needle nosed tool to clean the arms, though i also took the metal brackets off the bottom sprayer arm, thinking i might need to to clean under them. Now, with all the arms removed or in place, the machine pumps water through the arms' hoses... sometimes....but rarely. but most of the time there's no water circulating either with the arms attached, or with them off. i'm thinking the problem is with the control panel... would that make sense? if so, how would i test that hypothesis? thank you.
For model number 66513099N412
Hello Lee, thank you for your question. I don't think its a control board or panel issue. If the motor has been tested and passed the test, and the machine isn't pushing water through to the spray arms (that have been cleaned thoroughly), the issue is most likely with the Diverter motor part number W10537869, or the Circulation Pump part number W11032770. I hope this helps!
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