DPGT750EC1WW General Electric Dryer - Overview

Sections of the DPGT750EC1WW

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Manuals & Care Guides for DPGT750EC1WW

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Keep searches simple, eg. "belt" or "pump".
Drum Support Roller with Axle – Part Number: WE03X10008
Drum Support Roller with Axle
PartSelect #: PS959905
Manufacturer #: WE03X10008
This part is the replacement drum support roller for your dryer. The roller is approximately 3 inches in diameter and is sold individually. The main reason to replace the drum support roller is if the...
  In Stock
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Door Latch – Part Number: WE01X10184
Door Latch
PartSelect #: PS959856
Manufacturer #: WE01X10184
Hook not included.
  No Longer Available
Lint Filter – Part Number: WE18X10008
Lint Filter
PartSelect #: PS960013
Manufacturer #: WE18X10008
This filter collects lint as it passes through the dryer vent.
  No Longer Available
Latch Hook – Part Number: WE01X10188
Latch Hook
PartSelect #: PS959860
Manufacturer #: WE01X10188
  Special Order
Thermistor – Part Number: WE04X10111
PartSelect #: PS959911
Manufacturer #: WE04X10111
This part controls the temperature of the inside of the dryer drum and prevents the dryer from overheating.
  No Longer Available
Blower Motor – Part Number: WE17X10008
Blower Motor
PartSelect #: PS960009
Manufacturer #: WE17X10008
  No Longer Available
Drive Belt – Part Number: WE12X10011
Drive Belt
PartSelect #: PS959966
Manufacturer #: WE12X10011
This part is used to rotate the drum.
  Special Order
COVER GUIDE – Part Number: WE18X10010
PartSelect #: PS960015
Manufacturer #: WE18X10010
  No Longer Available
Dryer Light Bulb – Part Number: WE04X10131
Dryer Light Bulb
PartSelect #: PS959931
Manufacturer #: WE04X10131
  No Longer Available
LATCH BODY – Part Number: WE01X10186
PartSelect #: PS959858
Manufacturer #: WE01X10186
  No Longer Available
Stainless Drum Assembly – Part Number: WE21X10015
Stainless Drum Assembly
PartSelect #: PS960246
Manufacturer #: WE21X10015
This assembly includes the drum, front seal and 3 baffles (lifters).
  No Longer Available
PartSelect #: PS959914
Manufacturer #: WE04X10114
  No Longer Available

Questions And Answers for DPGT750EC1WW

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Common Symptoms of the DPGT750EC1WW

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Door won’t close
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Keep searches simple. Use keywords, e.g. "leaking", "pump", "broken" or "fit".
There was a grinding noise while the dryer was being used.
We removed the top and front of the dryer and found that the drum roller bearings had gone out on one side. All this happenend on a weekend with no reair store open. We googled the cut sheet for the dryer, found the part number we needed and ordered the parts (we went ahead and replaced both rollers) from partselect.com. For $70 and our own labor, we completed the repair by Wednesday evening. I feel certain we saved at least $100 if not more by doing the work ourselves.
Parts Used:
Drum Support Roller with Axle
  • Dan from Mineola, TX
  • Difficulty Level:
  • Total Repair Time:
    30 - 60 mins
  • Tools:
    Screw drivers, Socket set
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No hot air being produced
Once I figured out how to get into the bottom end of the dryer, it went really smooth.
1. Remove 4 screws from the top panel at the rear of the machine. This allows the top section of the dryer to be lifted up.
2. Under the top section is a plastic cover which covers the drum, this does not need to be removed. There are two screws in the top which hold the front panel in place, one at the front left top and one at the front right top. remove these two screws. Keep screws seperated, as there are several different types which need to be removed so remeber which go where.
3. Open the dryer door there are four screws which need to be removed. Once these are removed the front panel can be tipped out and the door switch wiring needs to be unplugged to remove the front panel and set aside.
4. Remove the left nylon guide at the bottom front of machine, it is in the way to remove the blower duct.
5. Remove blower housing cover.
6. Reach behind blower housing and disconnect the thyrmister and temperature limit wiring.
7. Remove the blower wheel by removing center nut. It is removed by turning nut clockwise while bracing the wheel with a screw driver so it won't turn.
8. Remove three screws that are behind the the blower wheel.
9. Remove the two base screws that hold the housing to the bottom of the machine.
10. Now you can remove the plastic duct from the machine.
11. remove two screws at the right side og the blower motor.
12. Disconnect wire harness from motor.
13. Lift up on right side of motor bracket and slide to the right. You can now remove the motor and bracket.
14. Remove two clips that hold the motor to the bracket.
15. Install new motor in bracket and replace clips.
16. You can now install the motor and bracket assembly by reversing the order of these steps.
Parts Used:
Blower Motor
  • Brad from Riverton, UT
  • Difficulty Level:
    A Bit Difficult
  • Total Repair Time:
    1- 2 hours
  • Tools:
    Screw drivers, Socket set
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Blower motor had to be replaced.
This was a fairly complex repair as almost everything had to be removed to get to the blower motor.

Tip - Keep track of the screws and where they came out. We taped the screws to the parts they came out of making re-assembly much easier.

Needs a #2 screwdriver. A #1 is too small and can strip the screws.

First remove the control panel and disconnect all the wires. Open the platic power box and disconnect all the connecting wires and disconnect the three ground wires from the back of the dryer.

You need to remove the top of the Dryer. It has 2 screws in the read and clips at the front. Under that is a metal plate. To remove this, first pop out the plastic connectors that hold the wiring up. Remove the screws from the 2 long plastic pieces on each side. Slide the plastic connectors to release, then remove them and remove the top.

You should now be able to see the dryer drum.

Front - Remove the two metal triangle pieces at the front top of the dryer.

Remove the door by removing the hinges.

Disconnect wiring for light and door switch - we had a problem disconnecting the door switch, so left it connected - which meant that once the front of the dryer was removed, it couldn;t be moved away. Not a big problem, but a little inconvenient.

Be careful with the door switch. I opened it in an attempt to disconnect it and a little black square fell out. I put it back together, but then it didn't work properly when replaced and I had to take it out again and try it in different diretions until it worked properly again.

Remove the front of the dryer.

Take out the lint trap.

Unscrew the metal plate from the front of the blower.

You should now be able to reach underneath and feel the belt that turns the drum. This belt goes all the way around the drum and then down underneath to another motor. There is a tension bar that keeps the belt tight. Before removing the belt - make sure you know how the belt goes around the motor and tension bar - you'll need to reconnect it later.

Once the belt is free - you can remove the drum.

Disconnect the wiring for the blower motor and unscrew the blower motor from the base of the dryer.

Remove the nut on the front to remove the plastic fan cover. Remove clamps to release motor.

Replace part and reassemble.
Parts Used:
Blower Motor
  • Roderick from Boulder Creek, CA
  • Difficulty Level:
    A Bit Difficult
  • Total Repair Time:
    1- 2 hours
  • Tools:
    Screw drivers, Socket set
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