International Washer Springs and Shock Absorbers
Popular International Washer Springs and Shock Absorbers
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International Washer Snubber Ring
PartSelect Number PS11738845
Manufacturer Part Number WP21002026
The snubber ring is a piece that is specific to your washing machine. The function of the snubber ring is to reduce noise and vibrations within your washer. It fits in between the leg and the dome assembly. If during your spin cycle you notice your washer jumping and making loud whirring noises, you may need to replace your snubber ring. The tools you will need for this repair include: a putty knife, a 5/16 nut driver, a 1/4 inch nut driver, a 3/8 socket and a ratchet, a small flat blade screwdriver, a pair of locking pliers, and a pair of slip joint pliers.
Fixes these symptoms
- Shaking and Moving
- Spins slowly
- Will not agitate
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Installation Instructions
David from Butler, PA
Washer jumping in spin cycle (white flakes under the washer)
Unlug the AC cord,open the top from the front it snaps open with a little force and hinges on the back, remove the 2 screws on the front cover and take it off, tip the washer and remove the belt, take off the pump hose from the back (I removed the back cover also) and the little hose going to the basket. Remove the 6 springs and lift the complete drum out of the waser and turn it upside down. You can see the plastic snubber ring that is worn, loosen the 6 screws just enough to get the old ring out and the new one in. WARNING (DO NOT TAKE THE SCREWS ALL THE WAY OUT OR THE BRAKE ASSEMBLY WILL RELEASE AND A SPECIAL TOOL IS NEEDED TO PUT IT BACK) Install the new ring, tighten the screws and put the tub back in connecting everything back up and use the 6 new springs. It really isn't that hard to do.
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International Washer Damper Pad Kit
2: Removed front panel.
3: Disconnected all wires leading from the control panel and removed the top of the washer.
4: Removed the springs that holds the drum down on the damper pads.
5: Flipped washer upside-down so the drum would hang from the bottom of the wash. This made it easy to clean the area since it was full of dirt and ground metal dust.
6: Glued new pads (per the instructions) to the cone that protrudes up from the bottom of the washer and allowed to dry.
7: Lubricated the pads with the provided grease and added additional silicon grease to insure smooth operation.
8: Replaced drive belt.
9: Flipped the washer back up-right and installed the drum springs.
10: Reconnected all wires and attached the top of the washer.
11: Reconnected all electrical and water lines and tested operation.
12: Replaced the front panel.
Washer now runs as quite and smooth as it did when it was new. Read more...
PartSelect Number PS2017036
Manufacturer Part Number 203956
This damper pad kit is used for base support. It comes with three six inch damper pads, two little tubes of lubricant. NOTE: This part will need adhesive to stick it in place.
Fixes these symptoms
- Shaking and Moving
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Installation Instructions
Steven from Rockford, MN
Damper pads wore-out and had metal to metal contact which caused the washer to spin out of balance.
1: Disconnected all water and electrical connections.2: Removed front panel.
3: Disconnected all wires leading from the control panel and removed the top of the washer.
4: Removed the springs that holds the drum down on the damper pads.
5: Flipped washer upside-down so the drum would hang from the bottom of the wash. This made it easy to clean the area since it was full of dirt and ground metal dust.
6: Glued new pads (per the instructions) to the cone that protrudes up from the bottom of the washer and allowed to dry.
7: Lubricated the pads with the provided grease and added additional silicon grease to insure smooth operation.
8: Replaced drive belt.
9: Flipped the washer back up-right and installed the drum springs.
10: Reconnected all wires and attached the top of the washer.
11: Reconnected all electrical and water lines and tested operation.
12: Replaced the front panel.
Washer now runs as quite and smooth as it did when it was new. Read more...
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International Washer Motor Pivot Spring
PartSelect Number PS11739525
Manufacturer Part Number WP22004376
This part is the replacement motor pivot spring for your washer. It is made of metal and is approximately 3 inches long and 2 inches wide. The motor pivot spring helps hold the drive motor in the correct position on the motor plate. If your drive motor shakes during use, if the pumps will not operate, or if your washer is excessively loud during operation, you may need to replace the motor pivot spring. Be sure to disconnect the washer from the power source before you begin this repair. This part is sold individually and is an OEM part sourced directly from the manufacturer.
Fixes these symptoms
- Burning smell
- Spins slowly
- Will not agitate
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Installation Instructions
Larry from Smithville, MO
Machine was very noisy, tub spun slowly when loaded & lid switch actuator was broken. Drive belt had very little tension on it.
Remove the access panel at the back of the machine. Locate the Motor Pivot Spring. It is about the same diameter as a coat hanger and is attached to the motor and the motor base. I was able to remove the old spring and install the new spring with my fingers. When removing the old spring, remove the motor end first, then the motor base end. When installing the new spring, attach the motor base end first, then the motor end.
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International Washer Glide and Spring Kit
After removing the front panel of the washer (two philips screws), I loosened and removed the plastic motor cover and removed three hex head screws holding the motor. Have someone help you tilt the washer so you can remove the belts by "rolling" them off of the pullies (pump pully and motor pully). What I did was use a chemical degreaser to clean the motor base metal channel where the nylon sliders reside. After doing that and letting it dry, I removed the two old
springs. I ended up reinstalling the old springs because they were not stretched and I installed a new spring (total three) on the right side of the mount. A stiff metal rod with a hook on the end will help you install the springs. Squirt some of the included silicone lubricant on both sides of the motor mount channel and exercise the lube. Reinstall the motor and plastic cover over top of motor. Clean hands and clean belts while you have them out, reinstall belts and front cover and you're finished. My wife said it never ran better! Read more...
PartSelect Number PS2017149
Manufacturer Part Number 205000
This glide and spring kit contains two three inch springs, four one inch square glides, and two tubes springs. This kit replaces older style round roller glides.
Fixes these symptoms
- Burning smell
- Spins slowly
- Will not agitate
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Installation Instructions
dominic from weirton, WV
The belts were not staying tight enough to agitate properly.
Firstly, remove ac power from washer!After removing the front panel of the washer (two philips screws), I loosened and removed the plastic motor cover and removed three hex head screws holding the motor. Have someone help you tilt the washer so you can remove the belts by "rolling" them off of the pullies (pump pully and motor pully). What I did was use a chemical degreaser to clean the motor base metal channel where the nylon sliders reside. After doing that and letting it dry, I removed the two old
springs. I ended up reinstalling the old springs because they were not stretched and I installed a new spring (total three) on the right side of the mount. A stiff metal rod with a hook on the end will help you install the springs. Squirt some of the included silicone lubricant on both sides of the motor mount channel and exercise the lube. Reinstall the motor and plastic cover over top of motor. Clean hands and clean belts while you have them out, reinstall belts and front cover and you're finished. My wife said it never ran better! Read more...
International Washer Tension Springs -Set of 2
PartSelect Number PS2016844
Manufacturer Part Number 202718
This is a set of 2 tension springs.
Fixes these symptoms
- Burning smell
- Spins slowly
- Will not agitate
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International Washer Timer Knob Spring
PartSelect Number PS11738863
Manufacturer Part Number WP211065
This timer knob spring is almost an inch and a half long, and is not quite an inch in diameter. It is made of metal and is used with the timer knobs of both washers and dryers.
Installation Instructions
Steven from Chatom, AL
After 13 years, the timer on our Maytag washer just "wore out".
I received the part next day, just as promised. I removed two screws to take the top panel off the washer, removed the two screws on the old timer and put the new timer in. Had the repair done withing 15 minutes - I have replaced this before, I am 54.
International Washer Lid Switch Actuator Spring
PartSelect Number PS11738886
Manufacturer Part Number WP213720
This lid switch actuator spring is exactly one inch long. It is made of metal.
Fixes these symptoms
- Will Not Start
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Installation Instructions
Michael from Brambleton, VA
Small spring in the lid switch broke
I removed the two screws holding the switch and removed it from the machine. I then removed the broken spring and replaced it with the new one sent to me from I reinstalled the repaired switch and turned on the machine. It was easy as that and it works great. is the best.
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International Washer Brake Spring
Because the machine was old, I took the time to clean it while I was repairing the brake; thus the extra time, but it was well worth it.
1) go to hard ware store and buy 6 2" #10-24 screws; they will be required to remove and install the brake spring
2) you have to gut the machine (which is very easy) - working from the top
* unplug, drain water, and move it to an open space where you can easily work on the floor around it, and where you have a wall to support the top panel of the machine
* tilt washer on the side and remove the drive belt and pulley from the main shaft in the center
* lower washer and then remove the front panel and raise the top panel to rest against the wall/backstop
* remove the auger
* remove the white top from the tub
* remove any hoses connected to the plastic tub
* now you can push the tub to each side so that you can remove the springs - it is easier if you have someone push the tub down from the top while you remove the springs with pliers.
* remove the tub
3) remove the brake - working from the top with the tub turned upside down
* remove every other screw from the break and replace with the 2" screws
* remove the remaining original screws and replace with the 2" screws
* now, release the screws so that the brake spring is release with equal pressure on each screw
* remove the brake guts and replace with new
4) now would be a good time to clean out any mold and mildew
5) re-assembly is opposite of removal*
* the springs are more difficult to attach, and I would recommend starting with the spring in the back, by the drain and working towards the front of the washer
My machine is now quieter than when we first bought it! The brake was the problem!
PartSelect Number PS11738835
Manufacturer Part Number WP21001910
Installation Instructions
michael from mountain home, ID
make loud rubbing noise like a finger on wet glass
It auger would barely spin and the machine would squeal to a stop after the spin cycle. After reading some other posts on here, I decided that it is most likely the brake so I bought the brake repair kit. Because the machine was old, I took the time to clean it while I was repairing the brake; thus the extra time, but it was well worth it.
1) go to hard ware store and buy 6 2" #10-24 screws; they will be required to remove and install the brake spring
2) you have to gut the machine (which is very easy) - working from the top
* unplug, drain water, and move it to an open space where you can easily work on the floor around it, and where you have a wall to support the top panel of the machine
* tilt washer on the side and remove the drive belt and pulley from the main shaft in the center
* lower washer and then remove the front panel and raise the top panel to rest against the wall/backstop
* remove the auger
* remove the white top from the tub
* remove any hoses connected to the plastic tub
* now you can push the tub to each side so that you can remove the springs - it is easier if you have someone push the tub down from the top while you remove the springs with pliers.
* remove the tub
3) remove the brake - working from the top with the tub turned upside down
* remove every other screw from the break and replace with the 2" screws
* remove the remaining original screws and replace with the 2" screws
* now, release the screws so that the brake spring is release with equal pressure on each screw
* remove the brake guts and replace with new
4) now would be a good time to clean out any mold and mildew
5) re-assembly is opposite of removal*
* the springs are more difficult to attach, and I would recommend starting with the spring in the back, by the drain and working towards the front of the washer
My machine is now quieter than when we first bought it! The brake was the problem!
International Washer Unbalanced Plunger
PartSelect Number PS11738949
Manufacturer Part Number WP216255
When this part is used along with the lid switch, it can tell the motor of the washer to stop when a load is uneven. The washer will not start up until the lid is opened and then closed again.