Dryer Seals and Gaskets

Popular Dryer Seals and Gaskets

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Dryer Upper Drum Glide
29 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS470317
Manufacturer Part Number 5303937139
The upper drum glide is attached to the front panel of your dryer, you can locate it by removing the top portion of your dryer. The drum glide allows the drum to rotate with ease and little sound. The front upper felt glide pad with three nylon glides also includes adhesive, essential for mounting accurately. For this project you will need a putty knife, Phillips screwdriver, and a wire brush. This repair is meant to fix issues such as an abnormal amount of noise or the dryer not tumbling as it should. Consider replacing your belt at the same time if you have a dryer more than 5 years old, as it is likely worn.
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Installation Instructions
Matthew from Portland, OR
Clothes getting scorch marks, drum noise
First and foremost, I read the repair reviews here at parts source and found that a) Other people had the same symptoms, b)following their repair tips made it super easy.
What I would add to previous reviews is to pull the front off or the little acces grill in back and check to see what kind of belt you have. According to the model #, It showed the wide flat belt when in fact I had the smaller ribbed belt. Glad I checked before ordering.
A few things that will make your life easier is once you have the old upper guide/seal removed, put down the glue then use several med sized plastic spring clamps to hold the seal in place while the glue sets up, (@ 20-30 min). Their cheap and you should have some around anyway. When replacing the seals I would go ahead and replace the belt too. It's cheap and if your machine is 5+ yrs old probably is worn. Total cost of repair was about $60 (inc shipping). Took about 1 hr 20 min total time. Most of that time was scrapping the old seal material/ glue off the dryer front. Actual disassembly and repair maybe 1/2 hour. Other little tip is the clips for the lid of dryer is to use a flat screwdriver and gently push straight in until it's compressed enough to release the lid, it will pop up when pushed in far enough. That one took me a while to figure out.
Thanks to Part Select for such a helpful site. My dryer is like new again.
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Dryer Rear Drum Felt Seal
42 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS8691753
Manufacturer Part Number W10612022
This is a genuine OEM replacement rear drum seal for your dryer. This seal is made of felt and comes with the adhesive required for installation. The purpose of the seal is to prevent hot air from escaping the drum while the dryer is operating. If you notice that it is taking too long for your laundry to dry, that marks are left on your laundry, or the machine is noisy or will not tumble, then you may need to replace the seal.
Fixes these symptoms
  • Drum Not Spinning
  • Marks left on clothes
  • Noisy
  • See more...
Installation Instructions
Paul from Monmouth, IL
intermittant heat
First I shut off the gas supply and disconnected the dryer vent and unpluged the unit so you can access the rear of the dryer. Then I removed the rear cover. This is where you will find your thermostats and fuses. Holding the new part next to the one to be replaced I transfer the wires one at a time so as not to get them mixed up, then unscrew the old part and install the new one. Insert a flat blade screwdriver under the top cover in the 2 front corners to unsnap it from it's clips, also at this time you need to remove the 2 screws that hold the upper part of the lint filter tube to the lid, then lift the lid to expose the drum ( I tilted the dryer back as far as the flex gas line would allow me to and rested the top lid against the wall without removing it, to many wires). Behind the front cover in the top right corner is the plug for the door switch,un-plug it and also there are 2 screws one in each corner. After that lift the front cover straight up and pull it away from the cabinet ( it has clips at the bottom to hold it in place). Reaching under the drum on the right side pull down on the belt tensioner and release the belt from the motor then you can remove the drum. Laying the drum down on it's front edge I removed the rear felt seal and took a piece of sand paper to rough up th old glue and clean off some of the felt that was still stuck to the drum. Following the directions from the seal package I put the glue around the edge of the drum and re-installed the new felt. This is a good time to clean out your dryer, while the glue sets up. A shop vac works the best, but be carefull not to suck up the money, it will help pay for the repair ( I found over a dollar in change ). At this time I also changed the coils on the gas valve, remove the 2 screws that hold the clamp and replace them one at a time. Re-install the drum with the belt on it, fold it and push it through the tensioner and put it on the motor pulley. rotate the drum to make sure that the felt is not kinked under itself, re-install the front cover bottom clips first, then the 2 screws and the plug for the door switch, pull down the lid and snap it in place, before installing the rear cover this is a good time to remove the rear cover to the lint chute and clean in there also ( it's easy to see why there are so many dryer fires). Re- install that cover and the rear cover and vent tube, turn your gas back on and check it for leaks ( even if you didn't disconnect it) plug your dryer back in and get busy catching up on the laundry that you haven't had a chance to do because your dryer broke, then smile and think about all the money you saved by doing this simple repair your self. Thanks Parts Select Read more...
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Dryer Drum Felt Seal
4 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS11741074
Manufacturer Part Number WP33001807
This is a drum felt seal for your dryer. It creates an airtight seal between the dryer rear panel and the back of the drum. It is important that this seal be flexible so it does not interfere with the function of the appliance. This model may be used for the front or the rear of your appliance. Take note that the adhesive is not included. The most common reason for needing to repair this part is if your dryer will not tumble, or there is not enough heat to properly dry your clothing.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Edward from Pike Road, AL
The dryer was making a terrible noise that sounded like bearings squealing.
I've never even opened this dryer before so I looked at one of the installation videos PartSelect has. I found one using my model, which made it really easy. I removed the front panel and door, then lifted the top of the dryer up on it's hinges: that's a great feature because you need the top out of the way to remove the drum. I took the belt off the drum, lifted it up and pulled it straight out. I did buy a pair of snap ring pliers to remove the snap ring off the drum support shaft. I think you really must have those to remove and replace the rings. Be careful when removing the snap rings. I shot the first one across the room like it was a rubber band. We had a good laugh. I used a wrench to hold the nut on the backside of the roller shaft and unscrewed it. I screwed the new roller shafts on, slipped the drum rollers on them, then carefully used the snap ring pliers to place the rings on the front of the shaft to hold the rollers on. While I had the unit opened up, I figured I should go ahead and replace the multi rib belt. I put the ribbed side on the drum and sat the drum on the rollers . The tricky part is now getting down on the ground, reaching under the drum for the belt. Make sure the belt isn't twisted anywhere on the drum or in your hands while you pull the belt under the idler pulley. Hold the belt ribbed sides together while feeding the belt under the pulley. It takes a good deal of strength to move the pulley over so you can hook the end of the belt on the shaft. Once you've gotten that attached, put your hand inside the drum and rotate it a few times to make sure you connected it properly and that you placed the belt in the right spot on the drum. It was easy to see the black stripe around the drum where I'd taken off the old one. Read more...
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Dryer Drum Seal with Adhesive
19 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS970088
Manufacturer Part Number 280114
This drum seal with a silicone rubber adhesive is used in dryers. This part seals the drum to make sure air does not escape from the dryer. If your dryer is making loud noises, is not producing enough heat, or no heat at all, or there are marks left on your clothes, replacing the seal on your dryer can solve the problem. The tools needed for this installation project are: 1/4 inch nut driver, Phillips screwdriver, small flat blade screwdriver, and putty knife. Remember to unplug your dryer from the power source before beginning this installation project. Refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer for installation instructions.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Jerry from Everett, WA
Rear tub seal failure
I removed the top cover and then the back cover, released the belt tensioner and removed the drive belt. Then slid the tub out of the unit and onto the back dack. Sanded the remnents of the old seal off. Wiped the tub lip with laquer thinner and applied the "fast" drying glue supplied with the kit. Installed the seal and re-assembled the unit...works fine Read more...
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Dryer Lint Trap Housing Seal
8 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS11741506
Manufacturer Part Number WP339956
This is foam seal for your dryer. It forms a seal to prevent air from escaping the rear of the dryer drum and the lint duct. This model comes with adhesive backing and is located in between the lint chute and the bulkhead of your appliance. This foam seal is just over 28 inches long and under 1 inch wide. You may need to replace this part if your clothing is taking too long to dry, or if your dryer is not generating enough heat or no heat at all.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Eric from Fort Dodge, IA
dryer drum not turning and no air circulating
replaced motor and drum rear seal as well as idler wheels, the old rear drum seal was completly worn out, since I had it all apart, I replaced lint chute and trap seals and belt and tensioner. I spent less money on parts than if I would have bought a new dryer. The motor was the main problem as the bearings were shot. Read more...
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Dryer Front Lower Drum Seal
3 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS460194
Manufacturer Part Number 5303283286
The front lower drum seal is used in the assembly of dryers. This seal helps keep your appliance running quietly. It allows the drum to smoothly rotate on the front panel. If you notice brown marks on your clothing, if the dry cycle is taking long, or if there are unusually loud noises, the seal might be worn down. If that is the case, you will need to replace the seal. This replacement part is made out of felt. The high temperature adhesive required to install this seal is sold separately. Before you begin any repair work, make sure the appliance has been unplugged.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Dan from Portland, OR
Brown spots on clothing
I was getting brown spots on my clothing since I bought this used dryer. Went to partselect.com Fine with me, but not my wife and daughter! Anyway, after ruling out rust, I ended up here and found Randy's story - without it, I'd be lost! Basically, the felt seal crushes over time, and clothing gets caught in the gap stuck against this nasty old brown felt and leaves a mark.

Replacing the belt was a very good idea, though as mentioned, the drum support bearing is just a "nice to do" - not necessary, but it gives you the excuse to re-grease it (I used a thick Molly impregnated grease from my motorcycle).

The only other advice I can give is that I used a chisel to scrape off the old felt - it came off in very little time, and I didn't end up needing to really do much cleaning of the drum afterwards. Just use a sharp one you're not afraid to dull - it'll be metal-on-metal contact.

Using the spring-loaded clamps that you can get from the hardware store was also a huge help - it just needs to keep the upper glide stuck to the drum for the 30 minutes for the glue to cure - I used 6, but 3 would work. The bottom seal doesn't need them as the felt will tend to stick to the drum when the glue is applied.

You might not NEED to replace the lower seal, but I'd suggest it. It's cheap enough, and this job is "not fun" enough that it only adds a few minutes total - good insurance that you do a complete job.

You also might want to get some aluminum foil tape and re-tape your blower extension tube - mine was ripped off from moving from house to house over the years.
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Dryer Lower Front Felt Seal with Adhesive
8 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS832645
Manufacturer Part Number 5303937183
The lower front felt seal with adhesive, also known as a drum felt seal, is used in dyers and allows the drum to easily glide on the front panel. For this repair project, you will need the following tools: #2 Phillips screw driver, #2 square head screw driver, putty knife, and wire bush. If your dryer will not tumble, or makes a squeaking noise when running, replacing this part could solve the problem. Remember to unplug your appliance from the power source for safety before you begin this installation project. Refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer for further installation instructions.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Timothy from Pensacola, FL
Felt pulling apart and glide not secured
For the glide, I want to advise people that to replace the entire glide you need to order two front drum glide parts as each is only half.

First, unplug the dryer. Then, open the top so that you can get access to the work area. On each side of the inside front, there is a screw that connects the front panel to the side panels. Unscrew those screws and pull the front panel until it disconnects from the side panels. Be careful as there are wires that are secured to the bottom of the top inside lip of the front panel. One set of wires goes to the light bulb in the dryer door. You don't need to disconnect the wires, but be sure you don't damage the wires by pulling the front panel too far away from the dryer.

Once you have the front panel out of the way, you can see the front drum glide. In my case, one half was loose as the plastic plugs that pop into recesses to hold the glide in place had broken off. Remove the damaged glide section and replace it with the new section, popping the plastic plugs into the recesses. Don't be afraid to slap the glide to lock the plugs in place.

For the felt, I cut the part of the old felt that was pulling away from the front panel. I then used a flat-head screwdriver and wire brush to remove as much of the old adhesive as I could. Then, using the high-heat adhesive that came with the new felt, I put a generous amount on the front panel where the felt needed to go. I used a toothpick to spread the adhesive to get maximum area coverage. I let it set for a minute or two, and then placed the new felt. I used small clamps to keep the felt in place until the adhesive had time to bond. I only kept the clamps in place for 10 minutes.

Once I removed the clamps, I let the felt continue to adhere to the front panel for 24 hours before reassembling the dryer. Again, be careful of the wires connected to the front panel as it appears very easy for them to be pinched or cut when putting the front panel back in place.

When the dryer was reassembled, I plugged it back in and have had no more troubles.
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Dryer Front or Rear Drum Felt Seal
2 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS11740771
Manufacturer Part Number WP314820
This front or rear dryer drum felt seal is seventy-nine and a half inches long.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
John from Charlottesville, VA
Belt broke on old machine.
1. Removed front of machine (2 screws at the bottom).
2. Removed 4 screws from inside the dryer, to take off the blower housing.
3. Removed 4 screws and took out the large metal piece which supports the drum at the front. Removed the drum.
4. Replaced the two rollers that support the drum in the rear. Cleaned the pins they run on, and oiled very lightly. Also replaced the idler roller. I was surpirsed to see that these rollers use plain bearings, not ball bearings.
5. On the front support piece, drilled out the rivets for the glides, and replaced the worn out glides with new parts. Applied a little glue (3M weatherstrip adhesive) to the cork pieces, to glue them to the metal. Attached the plastic pieces over the cork pieces, and riveted in place using rivets that came with the glide kits.
6. Replaced front and rear felt seals. This was not as tricky as I expected it to be. They were held in by metal tabs. Glued the ends where they came together.
7. Replaced the felt blower seal. Glued to the blower housing.
8. Reinstalled the drum, installed new belt, which came with good instructions (luckily).
9. Reassembled front support piece and the front of the cabinet.

I also cleaned the lint from the cabinet and from the vent hose.

In general, the job went without a hitch, and the machine probably has quite a few years left, despite the fact that it's 18 years old. This gives me a good feeling.

I'd say this would be challenging, though, for someone who is not pretty experienced with machinery repair. Also, the cost of the parts was significant enough that it would not have been unreasonable to have opted for a new machine.
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Dryer Door Gasket
17 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS11731610
Manufacturer Part Number W10861521
This door seal does not include the adhesive glue.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Door Gasket tore out
Put high temperature glue on first, then put door gasket over the high temperature glue and then let it set for 24 hours. It worked fine.... Read more...
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Dryer Front Upper Felt Seal with Adhesive
3 Reviews
PartSelect Number PS832644
Manufacturer Part Number 5303937182
The upper felt seal for your dryer is attached to the top edge of the drum support area, and is held there by a high temperature adhesive. It creates a seal where the dryer door opens and closes, so that heat remains in the dryer while it tumbles. If your old upper felt seal is coming apart, you notice that hot air is leaking out the dryer door, or your clothes are taking too long to dry, you may need to replace the seal. When you order this part, it comes with the upper felt seal, as well as the required high-temperature adhesive.
Fixes these symptoms
Installation Instructions
Zaya from Weaverville, CA
Rear bearing assembly failed and damage heating element
Removed top using a butter knife to release the two tabs in the front(between the top and the front). Removed the front(two screws from the inside. removed rear louver panel(four screws). reached in through rear panel and released belt. removed drum assembly and change out, bearing assembly drum and bushing assembly in the back panel, being sure not to forget the grounding bearing(had my 9 year old give me an extra hand to hold the ball bearing on the back..
Replaced the slider felt on the drum and the belt since i had it apart. Also replaced the seal from the front panel to the blower motor.. while it was apart i cleaned the inside with bleach and a rag. reasembled a tryed it out. Run like a new dryer- Nice and quiet.- It had been sqeeking for months before the it stopped working. the time it took to fix it was a lot less hassle than it would have been to buy a new and get rid of the old one. And it saved me money. I love saving money!! I would recomend partsselec.com t.good prices,fast shipping, got what i needed. What more can you ask for..

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