Dryer Lights and Bulbs
Popular Dryer Lights and Bulbs
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Dryer Light Bulb - 40W
PartSelect Number PS884734
Manufacturer Part Number 8009
This an authentic OEM 40-Watt replacement light bulb, used in a number of household appliances. It is specially designed to withstand extreme temperatures, which is why these replacement bulbs are most often used to light the inside of refrigerators and ranges. It features a standard socket base, which means you simply unscrew the burnt-out bulb and screw in the replacement. Depending on the appliance you may require a screwdriver or nut driver to access the light bulb. We recommend you wear work gloves while handling this replacement part. It is constructed of glass and metal and is sold individually. Depending on the appliance and location of the bulb within it, you may want to consider disconnecting power and using a flashlight for easier access to unscrewing and re-screwing in your bulb during this repair.
Installation Instructions
judie from mays landing, NJ
interior drawers were off their rollers
pulled the washer out and replaces the top roller system on both sides and the replaced the weels and brackets on the bottom drwaer. however i had trouble putting the dish washer back correctly and had to call a repairman to adjust the dishwasher and alighn it to open and close properly. but i did do good inside. i feel it was easy and a success. thank you for having the supplies for us to attempt to repair it on our own.
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Dryer Light Bulb
PartSelect Number PS10063224
Manufacturer Part Number WE05X20431
This light bulb, also known as a drum lamp, illuminates and lights up the dryer drum when the door is open. If the light bulb in the dryer is burnt out or lighting is inconsistent, replacing it can solve this problem. No tools are required for this replacement. To repair, first locate the top section in the interior of the dryer and check the bulb. Next, unscrew the bulb by making three to four turns. Pro tip: the bulb cannot be screwed straight in, instead lean it at a 45-degree angle. Refer to the diagram provided by the manufacturer for further instruction and guidance. Remember to unplug the dryer from the power source for your safety.
Installation Instructions
Daniel from Chicago, IL
Dryer was squeeling when running.
I removed the two screws at the front above the drum opening (with the dryer door open). The top panel then lifts off. I removed the screw at each side that holds the front panel to the side panels, tilted the front panel forward, which disengages the front of the drum from the front drum glide bearing. I then lifted the front panel slightly, unhooking the bottom of the panel from the dryer base, and swung the front panel aside. I removed the existing top drum bearing guide, which was disintegrated, and snapped in the new bearing guide, with the nylon slide strips installed in the bearing guide. Next pulled out the old felt strip, and pressed the new one in place. I then put the bottom of the front panel back into the bottom of the dryer front, and while lifting the drum to asure it fit over the bearing guide, pushed the front panel back to a vertical position to mate with the side panels. I then replaced the side panel screws, replaced the top, and replaced the front top panel screws.
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Dryer Light Bulb - 10W
Most sites said the support rollers could cause this.
I found your site PartSelect and with help of your diagrams of the machine ordered the parts I thought were needed plus other parts that might cause the problem.
With machine torn down I replaced the rollers.
I had also ordered the main drive belt and idler assembly with the rollers and these also needed replacement. It is a good idea to order other suspect parts when doing this type of repair since you can return the parts not needed.
Your return policy is great.
Edward Brennan
PartSelect Number PS11739347
Manufacturer Part Number WP22002263
This ten watt appliance light bulb is two inches tall. It is used with both washers and dryers.
Installation Instructions
Edward from Andover, NJ
Dryer was sqeaking loudly when running
I Looked on internet sites for this type of problem.Most sites said the support rollers could cause this.
I found your site PartSelect and with help of your diagrams of the machine ordered the parts I thought were needed plus other parts that might cause the problem.
With machine torn down I replaced the rollers.
I had also ordered the main drive belt and idler assembly with the rollers and these also needed replacement. It is a good idea to order other suspect parts when doing this type of repair since you can return the parts not needed.
Your return policy is great.
Edward Brennan
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Dryer Light Bulb - 120V 25W
PartSelect Number PS11747806
Manufacturer Part Number WPA3073101
This light bulb is a 120 volt, 25 watt incandescent appliance light bulb with a small base screw-in that fits in a variety of appliances such as microwaves, refrigerators, freezers, cooktops, or stoves. Its purpose is to light up the appliance when the door is open. This is a genuine OEM part. You may need to replace the light bulb if the existing bulb is burnt out or broken. This light bulb is sold individually and is a common wear part, it is recommended to order a spare.
Installation Instructions
Arau from Haverhill, MA
The door was crocked and wouldn't shut properly
Everything was easy. I read one of your other reviews and it gave me the confidence to try it myself. First i toke off the cap at the top of the door then the three screws. I lifted the door off so i could be sure the cam was my only problem then put the door back on. That took 5 mins. Then I got on the computer and ordered the parts i needed. Two days later the parts arrived and and i took the door off again. Then put the new cam on, applied a litle vasiline, put the door back on and forgot that i ever had a problem. Thanks for the help. Doug Arau
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Dryer Light Bulb - 7W
PartSelect Number PS11731356
Manufacturer Part Number W10857122
Sold individually. This bulb is a 7-watt appliance incandescent light bulb. This appliance light bulb is two inches long. It is used for many clothes dryers. You will need a Phillips screwdriver and needle-nose pliers. Unplug the power from your dryer. You will find the light bulb by opening your dryer door and locating the casing surrounding the bulb on the top of the inside of the door. You will need to remove the single screw holding it in place to access the bulb. Twist the old bulb out of place. Use your pliers if the base of the bulb is still inside the socket once the glass part of the bulb has been removed. Check to make sure that the socket itself is not damaged. If the socket is damaged it will need to be replaced as well. Screw your new bulb into place.
Installation Instructions
Mark from West Chester, PA
Timer won't advance for auto-sensing cycles. Low Heat.
First I unplugged the dryer from the wall outlet. Then, removed the access panel in the lower front (held on by 2 screws near the floor). Then, I removed the black plastic air duct (held by 3 screws) in front of the blower. Then, with a Sharpie marker, next to each wire terminal lug, I labeled on the chassis the COLOR of each wire where it plugs on to a terminal lug (for proper wiring re-assembly later). Then, thru the lower front, I reached into the lower left rear of the dryer to remove the heating element assembly from its metal duct (held by 3 or 4 screws) - it slides down a bit, then it is easily removable. I layed the element on the floor in front of the dryer - all wiring still intact. Then, using the NEW HEATING ELEMENT and SENSORS ordered, I assembled them to match the original, re-using screws off of the old unit - and moving the wiring one-by-one from the original to the new assembly. I then installed the new heating element assembly into the duct at the lower rear of the dryer. I then replaced the 2 sensors on the front metal panel of blower housing, with new parts from my order, re-using the original wiring and screws. Then I re-installed the black plastic duct onto the front of the blower. Then, on the top of the dryer, I dissassembled the control panel from the rear, by removing 5 screws. I then found the resistor mounted on the back of the timer, and replaced it with the new one. Since the new resistor did not come with terminal lugs crimped on its wires, I had to cut the terminal lugs off of the original resistor and solder them onto the new resistor. I then reassembled the control panel. I then plugged the dryer back into the wall outlet and did a test run with no clothes. IT WORKED !! Then I reinstalled the lower front access panel and ran the dryer with wet clothes. IT WORKED !!
Dryer Cover,Lamp
PartSelect Number PS3519698
Manufacturer Part Number 3550EL2001A
Installation Instructions
Lorraine from SEQUIM, WA
Lamp cover broke
Unscrew the screw, remove old part, place in new part, replace screw and you are done.
Dryer Light Bulb
PartSelect Number PS11728997
Manufacturer Part Number 6913EL3001E
Installation Instructions
Duane from TROY, TX
Dryer Indicator Light Lens
Only that we took pictures to use as needed to be sure we knew how to put it all back together! Read more...
PartSelect Number PS11739313
Manufacturer Part Number WP22001948
Installation Instructions
Vicki from PUYALLUP, WA
Oven Control Panel broken Ceramic Stove top & burner indicateor light&ens
I don't want to give Instructions! Only that we took pictures to use as needed to be sure we knew how to put it all back together! Read more...
Dryer LAMP Assembly
Plugged dryer in, problem fixed.
Taa Daa
That saved me about $50.00 YAHOO!!
PartSelect Number PS418836
Manufacturer Part Number 131843500
Installation Instructions
Robert from DeForest, WI
broken cover over interior light.
Unpluged the dryer, took out the light assembly, unpluged the wires to the unit, replaced the old unit with new unit from Partselect.Plugged dryer in, problem fixed.
Taa Daa
That saved me about $50.00 YAHOO!!