How to replace a washer's selector switch

Photo of washer selector switch currently unavailable

This step-by-step guide teaches you how to replace the switch in your washer. Find the official OEM replacement switch that fits your appliance.

Before you begin to test your washer's selector switch, make sure you disconnect the appliance's power supply. The easiest way to do this is to unplug the unit from the wall. Alternatively, you could trip the appropriate switch in the circuit breaker panel, or you could remove the appropriate fuse from your home's fuse box.

A switch is a mechanism that can make, break, or change the connections in a given electric circuit. Selector switches determine which cycle is to be used. Many selector switches can be as much as six or even eight inches long. Most are black in color and all have metal prongs, called terminals, extending out from the body of the switch.

Remove the selector switch from the unit. It will most likely be secured to the door frame with a few screws. The terminals extending from the body of the switch are grouped in pairs of two, one group of terminals for each button. Each group must have its wires removed for testing. Carefuly remove the wiring harness leads from the first pair of terminals of the switch. Do not pull on the wire itself. Needle nose pliers may be needed to remove the wire from the terminal.

Attach the wires to the terminals of the new switch. Secure the new switch to the washing machine. Feel free to use the screws from the original switch. Restore power to your washer and run it through a cycle to make sure it is functioning as it should.

For more information about washer selector switches: